On the Table started as a 2023 resolution to write a page a day until I officially reached The End. I went through seven drafts of this story before I landed on what is now my final draft. I have changed points of view, storylines, and even characters.
This book in no way resembles the project it started as, but Esmerelda and Petal are still just as real to me as they were when this idea blossomed. They are some of my favorite creations — and that’s saying a lot for someone who writes several books a year for clients!
At a certain point, I wanted to hold my manuscript in my hands and simply see the progression of the story. And here it is:
This was the second time I printed it out, and I know it looks a little lackluster on plain white copy paper. It was my proofing copy and the copy that I let my husband read for the first time. This manuscript holds some great memories for me.
I doubt that I’ll ever throw these pages away.
BUT there is good news in store for anyone who isn’t as excited about this copy as I am. PAPERBACKS ARE HERE!
I wish I could express how exciting it is to see a book sit on the shelf with all of my favorite authors. It’s a dream come true and so exciting for me.
If you’re wondering about the book, here is a quick blurb:
Esmerelda lost her boyfriend and her job in the same 24-hour period. She thought things couldn’t get much worse until her sister sprang a new plan on her: opening a fortunetelling shop together. Petal has already paid for the lease in full and knows Esmerelda has no excuses to hold her back from starting this new business with her.
The only problem is Esmerelda wants nothing to do with the ruse of telling fortunes anymore.
Despite her aversion to fortunetelling, Esmerelda sees no way out of the ridiculous plan Petal cooked up without her knowing. But there’s no way for her to prepare for the secrets Petal has been hiding that threaten to shake the foundation of their relationship.
As Esmerelda faces this new reality, she must decide: will she prioritize her sister’s needs over hers yet again or pursue her own happiness? She must face her past and look into the future one more time to see who she needs to become to save them both.
Get your copy today and preorder on Amazon for its debut on April 2!