Blog Posts
How to Start Writing a Novel as a Beginner
Almost everyone I know has a story idea that grips them and doesn’t want to let go. The studies even show that this is a huge bucket list item for many people, but book writing is hard – and getting started is even harder. Whether you are writing a short story or are interested in…
How to Write a Novel Outline in 4 Beats
Are you the kind of writer who needs to see the entire book outline before you can write a single word of your upcoming novel? I used to think that an outline was overrated, but then I found that I was spending months upon months in revision. Some of my books could go through six…
5 Easy Places to Start Writing a Book
There is one question that I have clients ask me again and again as a book coach: where should I start writing a book? They are looking for easy answers that move them from the blank page to the finished product, but there are no surefire solutions that will work in every situation. Instead, creative…
How to Know if You Should Become a Writer with 7 Surefire Signs
Because the majority of Americans want to write a book at some point in their lives, it begs the question: should I become a writer? Creative writing isn’t necessarily the best way to build your fortune, but it offers so much more than just a paycheck. When you have bitten by the writing bug, there…
Beginning Writing: Advice from the Pros
Students and book coaching clients ask me all the time: what is the best advice for someone who is just beginning writing? Creative writing, like any other field, is full of tips and tricks that promise to help you find success. The professionals have already weighed in and have a lot to say on how…
Write a Novel in 90 Days Challenge: Is It Possible?
The prospect of writing a novel looms large in the minds of the general public with most people adamant that they have a story to tell and a book to write. Some of the most prolific published authors like Stephen King make it a habit to write 1,000 words per day. Others, like Nora Roberts,…
Paperbacks are here!
On the Table started as a 2023 resolution to write a page a day until I officially reached The End. I went through seven drafts of this story before I landed on what is now my final draft. I have changed points of view, storylines, and even characters. This book in no way resembles the project…